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Home Activity Slideshow 2016-07-02 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

2016-07-02 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 07 July 2016 11:42 )  


Several Aboriginal activists yesterday condemned remarks President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) made on Wednesday, when he said that complete autonomy for Aborigines would only bring isolation, and that Aborigines should be valued for their talent in sports and music.

“We Aborigines cannot agree at all with the discriminatory remarks that Ma made against the country’s Aborigines during a Chinese Nationalist Party [KMT] Central Standing Committee meeting on Wednesday,” Indigenous Peoples’ Action Coalition of Taiwan (IPACT) convener Omi Wilang told a news conference in Taipei. “We strongly condemn the remarks. He should apologize for them.”