Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Activity Slideshow 2015-12-27 Sons of Wang Yu-lin Tâi-uân-sîn(台灣神王育霖), Ke-hsiung and Ke-shao(克雄、克绍), Visit Holy Mountain

2015-12-27 Sons of Wang Yu-lin Tâi-uân-sîn(台灣神王育霖), Ke-hsiung and Ke-shao(克雄、克绍), Visit Holy Mountain

Sons of Wang Yu-lin Tâi-uân-sîn(台灣神王育霖), Ke-hsiung and Ke-shao(克雄、克绍), Visit Holy Mountain

Sons of Wang Yu-lin Tâi-uân-sîn(台灣神王育霖), Ke-hsiung and Ke-shao(克雄、克绍), Visit Holy Mountain

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 December 2015 21:03 )  


The government’s reconstruction policy after Typhoon Morakot struck in August last year was a far bigger disaster than the natural calamity because it is leading to the extinction of Aborigines, Lituan Takilulu, convener of the Indigenous Peoples Action Coalition of Taiwan, said yesterday.

“Aborigines will never be able to return home. They are compelled to live in separate places. We are on our way to extinction,” Lituan said at a forum held by the Taiwan Association of University Professors on the eve of the first anniversary of Morakot.