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Home Activity Slideshow 2015-10-29 Teacher Cheng Cheng-yu(鄭正煜) Monument Materials 2

2015-10-29 Teacher Cheng Cheng-yu(鄭正煜) Monument Materials 2

Teacher Cheng Cheng-yu(鄭正煜) Monument Materials 2

Teacher Cheng Cheng-yu(鄭正煜) Monument Materials 2

More on Photo Gallery of Tati website(Hanzi)

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Last Updated ( Friday, 30 October 2015 23:38 )  


The Taiwan Society holds a press conference in Taipei yesterday to launch a book about the cross-strait service trade agreement.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times

The cross-strait service trade agreement is part of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) “triangle policy” toward eventual unification with China and should not have been signed, a pro-independence advocacy group said yesterday.

“We believe that the agreement, along with the ‘one China’ principle, and a meeting between Ma and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平), form a triangle policy of Ma’s goal of eventual unification,” former presidential advisor Huang Tien-ling (黃天麟) wrote in a booklet published by the Taiwan Society.