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Home Activity Slideshow 2015-09-05 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

2015-09-05 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 September 2015 11:03 )  


Democratic Progressive Party Legislator and Taiwan Thinktank president Lin Chia-lung, center, speaks at a press conference held yesterday to evaluate the performance of President Ma Ying-jeou one year after his re-election.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has become a lame duck president with persistent low approval ratings and people have given up hope in him, academics said yesterday, after the results of a recent opinion poll were released.

Ma’s approval rating has dropped to a record-low 19.1 percent, and 60 percent of respondents said they did not expect a better performance from Ma in the remainder of his second term, the poll showed.