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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-02-25 Countdown to 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial, 3 Days Left

2010-02-25 Countdown to 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial, 3 Days Left

Countdown to 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial, 3 Days Left

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 27 February 2010 21:13 )  


Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) has called for Taiwan’s inclusion in the UN framework to help ensure peace in the region, as the world body is slated to begin its 78th session of the general assembly on Tuesday next week.

“Together we are stronger. It is time to act on this fundamental principle, including Taiwan,” Wu wrote in an op-ed published on Saturday on the Italian news site Le Formiche.

The UN Charter, which states that international disputes should be settled peacefully, has helped maintain the rules-based international order since the end of the Cold War, he said.