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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1641 Only Taiwanese can save Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 467
1642 KMT’s true colors on display for all to see Paul Lin 林保華 465
1643 Lame-duck Ma could be a threat to the nation Chen Mao-hsiung 陳茂雄 459
1644 Supporting the right to freedom of choice Stephen Hsu 許全義 543
1645 Becoming ‘Chinese’ no help for HTC sales Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟 510
1646 Doubts over Chinese entry permits Taipei Times Editorial 506
1647 Unification through a change of identity Christian Fan Jiang 范姜提昂 505
1648 Vote against China-or vote for it Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 505
1649 Democracy, freedom can help nation lead region Ho Hsin-chuan 何信全 524
1650 MOE dislikes independent thinking Taipei Times Editorial 537
1651 Bullying and cheap tricks to trap Tsai James Wang 王景弘 513
1652 A vicious distortion of Taiwan’s history James Wang 王景弘 497
1653 Ma arranges US cleanup after Tsai Taipei Times Editorial 497
1654 KMT’s grip unlikely to survive our new times James Wang 王景弘 728
1655 The path to happiness is not gold Wu Hui-lin 吳惠林 513
1656 Hong Kong is Taiwan’s nightmare Taipei Times Editorial 519
1657 Firm basis for cross-strait relations Gerrit Van Der Wees 517
1658 Taiwan’s struggle to be recognized Lin Shih-chia 林世嘉 536
1659 Ma’s promises nothing but jokes Huang Kuo-chang 黃國昌 537
1660 The ghosts of imperial China sap Taiwanese Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 530
Page 83 of 140


The Taiwan High Court yesterday extended former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) detention by two months on the grounds that he may flee the country if released.

The ruling dashed his family’s hopes that Chen, whose current detention order expires on Wednesday, would be released following their request to Swiss banking authorities that money be sent to a bank account designated by the Special Investigation Panel (SIP) of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. Taiwan High Court judge Teng Chen-chiu (鄧振球) has previously said the move could enhance the chances of the former president being released.