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Home Editorials of Interest Articles of Interest Dr. Shieh's speech at Heritage Foundation

Dr. Shieh's speech at Heritage Foundation

Ching Shieh spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. 11/25/2008 about the legal system and it's impact on politics. 

Ching Shieh spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. 11/25/2008 about the legal system and it's impact on politics. 

Streaming video is available at:

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Source: Ching Jyh Shieh's blog

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In a major report scheduled to be released yesterday, a US congressional commission urges US President Barack Obama to encourage China to “demonstrate the sincerity of its desire for improved cross-strait relations by drawing down the number of forces, including missiles, opposite Taiwan.”

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission report also recommends that Congress encourage Obama to strengthen bilateral economic relations between the US and Taiwan and work with Taipei to modernize its armed forces, with particular emphasis on its air defense needs.