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Home Articles Dr. Yang's Column

Dr. Yang's Special Column

The Heavenly Light (A)

Following the blood and tears of February Twenty-Eighth,

The earth’s grievances in we breathe,

The Gods’ light emerges as the Formosa Sun,

Though it can make the demons of imperial colonialism no where to escape but dawn,


Devils in powdered masquerade,

To the righteous and honest Formosan do they deceptively persuade.


Wild Strawberries at Taichung-What I See and What I Hear

The student demonstrators’ “Wild Strawberries Movement” is a pro-democracy movement that perpetuates the “Wild Lily Student Movement” that also possesses globally accepted values with wide ramifications.  This time around, the fact that the students were able to conduct peaceful demonstrations to demand democracy, freedom, human rights, and legal justices; is an achievement of democracy and education of democratic principles from 20 years of combined administrations of former presidents Lee Tung-Hui and Chen Shui-Bian.


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Several leaked cables from the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) show that the US made “considerable effort” in negotiations leading to a secret memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between China and the WHO in 2005, in which Taiwan was referred to as “Taiwan, China,” and repeatedly urged Taiwan not to make the text public.

Among thousands of cables from the AIT published by WikiLeaks on Aug. 30, at least four cables show a US role in crafting the 2005 agreement.

It supported the use of the term “Taiwan, China” and it wished this to be kept confidential.