Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1791 2011-01-03 Light's Justice Action - Support President A-bian Every Month on 3rd Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 496
1792 2011-01-02 Holy Mountain - New Year's 228 Pilgrimage Movement Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 621
1793 2011-01-01 Holy Mountain - New Year's Sunshine Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 678
1794 2010-12-31 Holy Mountain New Year's Eve - Ring Taihou Bell for 228 times Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 721
1795 2010-12-26 1950-1980 American Footprints in Taiwan Exhibit Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 1062
1796 2010-12-25 Timing and Fulfillment of the Establishment of Taiwan Nation - Referendum for Taiwan State Forum at Taipei Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 509
1797 2010-12-25 Holy Mountain - Weekend Happy Dinner Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 740
1798 2010-12-24 New Year Thanksgiving Party Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 584
1799 2010-12-24 One Side One Country Alliance Swear An Oath to People of National Taiwan Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 523
1800 2010-12-23 Walk For Tibet - Candlelight Evening Prayer at Normal University Park, Taipei Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 483
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Every minute that Taiwan is separate from China the likelihood increases that the nation will remain separate from China, Arthur Waldron, a professor of international relations at the University of Pennsylvania, told a forum on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

He said he had great difficulty envisioning “in nuts and bolts terms” how unification would ever occur.