Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Home Activity Slideshow 2020-01-26 Holy Mountain Spring Festival Day II (Ancestor Temple Ritual)

2020-01-26 Holy Mountain Spring Festival Day II (Ancestor Temple Ritual)

Holy Mountain Spring Festival Day II (Ancestor Temple Ritual)

Holy Mountain Spring Festival Day II (Ancestor Temple Ritual)

More on Photo Gallery of Tati website(Hanzi)

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Last Updated ( Monday, 24 February 2020 19:44 )  


The principal human rights problems reported in Taiwan last year were judicial corruption and violence against women and children, the US State Department’s annual report on human rights showed on Friday.

The report’s 10-page analysis of the state of human rights in Taiwan touched on the imprisonment of ailing former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), but did not reach any conclusions about his continued incarceration.