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Home Activity Slideshow 2019-09-29 Tati(Daixde) Hall Sep 1st Ritual Prayer Nationwide for Peace and Blessings

2019-09-29 Tati(Daixde) Hall Sep 1st Ritual Prayer Nationwide for Peace and Blessings

Tati(Daixde) Hall Sep 1st Ritual Prayer Nationwide for Peace and Blessings

Tati(Daixde) Hall Sep 1st Ritual Prayer Nationwide for Peace and Blessings

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 October 2019 10:05 )  


A Washington think tank is advising US President Barack Obama to foster closer diplomatic, defense and economic relations with Taiwan to offset China’s “potentially coercive” embrace.

In an eight-page policy brief, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) concludes that US cross-strait policy remains based on a “tangled and complex web of decades-old doctrine, law and joint statements.”