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Home Activity Slideshow 2018-07-27 Tati(Daixde) Hualien Hall Congregation

2018-07-27 Tati(Daixde) Hualien Hall Congregation

Tati(Daixde) Hualien Hall Congregation

Tati(Daixde) Hualien Hall Congregation

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 07 August 2018 08:04 )  


Tsering Phuntsok's body burns on the ground in front of Chinese police station in Drachen village in Khyungchu region of eastern Tibet on January 18, 2013.

DHARAMSHALA, January 18: The wave of self-immolation protests in Tibet against China’s continued occupation of Tibet shows no sign of abating with reports just in of yet another fiery death in Khyungchu region of Ngaba in eastern Tibet.

Initial reports have identified the Tibetan self-immolator as Tsering Phuntsok. According to a Swiss based Tibetan, Sonam, the protest occurred at around 3:15 pm (local time).

“Tsering Phuntsok set himself on fire in front of the local Chinese police station in Drachen village of Khyungchu region,” Sonam told Phayul. “He passed away at the site of his protest.”