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Home Activity Slideshow 2009-05-06 Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering)

2009-05-06 Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering)

Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering at Changhua City - David Lan Church)

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Last Updated ( Monday, 28 December 2009 10:48 )  


The Control Yuan yesterday dismissed media speculation that it planned to censure President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) over the Taipei City Government’s decision to grant Yuanta Group (元大集團) permission to build a 23-story building near the president’s residence during Ma’s term as Taipei mayor.

“It is true that we are ­investigating this case, and we also found some problems as alleged by the print media [Chinese-language Next Magazine],” Control Yuan member Ma Yi-kung (馬以工) told reporters.