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Home Activity Slideshow 2009-05-06 Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering)

2009-05-06 Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering)

Fed up with Ma Govment! Walk out for Taiwan! (Day 16th Gathering at Changhua City - David Lan Church)

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Last Updated ( Monday, 28 December 2009 10:48 )  


Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential contender Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) released her first major policy initiative yesterday, saying she intended to phase out operations of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant.

Tsai’s policy would reverse the government’s long-term plan of relying more on nuclear energy to meet its target reductions in greenhouse emissions. It reflects heightened concerns about the industry among DPP politicians amid the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan.