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Home Activity Slideshow 2017-12-16 Holy Mountain - Player Room Cleaning

2017-12-16 Holy Mountain - Player Room Cleaning

Holy Mountain - Player Room Cleaning

Holy Mountain - Player Room Cleaning

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 December 2017 08:11 )  


Tao Aborigines protest in front of a nuclear waste storage facility on Lanyu, also known as Orchid Island, yesterday.
Photo: Chang Tsun-wei, Taipei Times

Hundreds of Tao Aborigines living on Lanyu (蘭嶼), also known as Orchid Island, yesterday held a protest outside the Lanyu nuclear waste storage facility, calling on Taiwan Power Co (Taipower, 台電) to remove nuclear waste from the island as soon as possible.

Clenching their fists as they stared straight ahead with angry faces and shouted in low-pitched voices, the Tao, in traditional dress, performed a ritual to drive away evil spirits near Longmen Harbor, the debarking point for nuclear waste from Taiwan proper and where yesterday’s march against the storage of nuclear waste on the island began.