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Home Activity Slideshow 2016-08-14 Holy Mountain - Gate Painting - Part II

2016-08-14 Holy Mountain - Gate Painting - Part II

Holy Mountain - Gate Painting - Part II

Holy Mountain - Gate Painting - Part II

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 August 2016 07:38 )  


Farmers and activists holding posters of Miaoli County Commissioner Liu Cheng-hung petition the Cabinet in Taipei yesterday against an order for households in Jhunan Township’s Dapu Village to move out by Friday.
Photo: CNA

Vice President Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) and Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺) have betrayed pledges made three years ago to farmers of Dapu (大埔) in Jhunan Township (竹南), Miaoli County, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said yesterday.

DPP officials told a press conference in Taipei that the party supports the farmers of Dapu, who began a new round of protests outside of the Executive Yuan yesterday morning over a renewed order to demolish their homes.