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Home Activity Slideshow 2012-01-28 Early Spring in Taiwan Holy Mountain

2012-01-28 Early Spring in Taiwan Holy Mountain

Early Spring in Taiwan Holy Mountain

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 February 2012 13:10 )  


The Control Yuan yesterday said it arranged a meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to talk abour Taipei City’s problem-ridden Wenshan-Neihu MRT line after both sides agreed that the meeting would take the form of a “gathering for tea” rather than a subpoena.

“To be honest, if we had disagreed, we wouldn’t have been able to meet with the president and consult with him about the decision-making process for the Wen-Hu Line,” said Control Yuan member Ger Yeong-kuang (葛永光), who is in charge of the watchdog’s probe into the MRT line.