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Home Activity Slideshow 2011-10-08 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XVII

2011-10-08 Holy Mountain PaPaGo XVII

Holy Mountain PaPaGo XVII

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 October 2011 05:44 )  


China is intensifying its psychological warfare against Taiwan and appears to be using tourism as a means to collect intelligence in Taiwan, information obtained by the Taipei Times shows.

Reports on various Chinese military Web sites dating back to March last year reveal that the Nanjing Military Region’s General Political Department’s (GPD) 311 Base in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, has been turned into a center of political warfare operations against Taiwan.

Reorganization efforts have seen China’s Voice of the Straits radio, formerly known as the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Fujian frontline broadcasting station, has been incorporated into the 311 Base.