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Home Activity Slideshow 2011-10-02 Holy Mountain Pilgrimage Movement II

2011-10-02 Holy Mountain Pilgrimage Movement II

Holy Mountain Pilgrimage Movement II

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 02 October 2011 21:12 )  


Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay pose for a picture with visiting Taiwanese students.

DHARAMSHALA, July 27: A group of Taiwanese students are in the Tibetan exile headquarters of Dharamshala, exploring Tibetan culture and the political movement, under the aegis of an awareness programme jointly organised by the Taiwan Friends of Tibet and Students for a Free Tibet, India.

The group of 16 students along with two professors hail from five different Taiwanese universities, including Shih Hsin University, National Chengchi University, and the Taipei National University of Arts.