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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-09-05 Holy Mountain - Butterfly Ginger Cuisine

2010-09-05 Holy Mountain - Butterfly Ginger Cuisine

Holy Mountain - Butterfly Ginger Cuisine

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 05 September 2010 23:37 )  


Dawa Tsering in an undated photo. (Photo/TCHRD)

DHARAMSHALA, September 17: A Tibetan self-immolator, who is reportedly making good recovery from his burn injuries, faces an uncertain future coupled with jail threats and a slim chance of re-entering his monastery.

Dawa Tsering, a monk at the Kardze Monastery in eastern Tibet,
set himself on fire within the walls of his Monastery on October 25, 2011 during a religious ceremony. While engulfed in flames, he shouted slogans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and the re-unification of the Tibetan people.