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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-08-29 Holy Mountain - Vegetarian Duck Noodle

2010-08-29 Holy Mountain - Vegetarian Duck Noodle

Holy Mountain - Vegetarian Duck Noodle

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 29 August 2010 23:18 )  


An activist from the Taiwan Green Party holds a photo of a five-year-old girl diagnosed with a brain tumor, wearing a mask in preparation for a brain scan, at a press conference in Taipei yesterday. Conservationist groups say they suspect the girl, a resident of Lanyu (Orchid Island), has been affected by the nuclear waste stored on the island.
Photo: Mandy Cheng, AFP

Displaying pictures of decaying nuclear waste barrels and a girl with a brain tumor, Tao Aborigines from Lanyu (蘭嶼, also known as Orchid Island) yesterday accused the government and Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) of trying to annihilate the tribe by storing nuclear waste on the island for three decades.