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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-06-13 Holy Mountain - Rainy and Slippery

2010-06-13 Holy Mountain - Rainy and Slippery

Holy Mountain - Rainy and Slippery

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 June 2010 22:11 )  


A number of human rights groups — including the Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association and the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Taiwan — yesterday announced a series of events to commemorate the 56th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan uprising, while advocating for the Tibetan cause to the world.

“It’s been more than half a century, and we Tibetans living in exile are still waiting for the opportunity to go home, while as many as 130 Tibetans living in Tibet and five living abroad self-immolated between 2009 and 2014 to protest the Chinese occupation of Tibet,” association president Tashi Tsering, a Tibetan, told a news conference at the Legislative Yuan.