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Home Activity Slideshow 2009-06-26 Mountain of Immortals

2009-06-26 Mountain of Immortals

Mountain of Immortals

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Last Updated ( Monday, 28 December 2009 10:32 )  


Gyalrig Thar in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, February 5: A Tibetan man has succumbed to his injuries, nine months after he sustained severe injuries in a violent police crackdown on peaceful protest in Ba Dzong region of eastern Tibet. During the same protest on March 18, 2012, a Tibetan minor was killed and several others were injured after Chinese police used tear gas and explosives to disperse the crowd.

According to Sonam, an exiled Tibetan, Gyalrig Thar, 35 passed away in a hospital in Siling after failing to recover from severe injuries to his head caused by the use of explosives and brutal police beatings. He passed away on November 17, 2012.