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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-02-21 Rehearsal for 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial

2010-02-21 Rehearsal for 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial

Rehearsal for 228 Taiwan Divinities Memorial

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 21 February 2010 21:26 )  


People protest in front of the branch offices of China Southern Airlines and Xiamen Airlines in Taipei yesterday, demanding that Beijing withdraw the proposed M503 flight route.
Photo: Hsiao Ting-fang, Taipei Times

More than 100 demonstrators yesterday sang in unison outside the Taipei office of China Southern Airlines to express their opposition to controversial flight routes proposed by Beijing.

Headed by a coalition of social advocacy organizations and pro-independence groups, the protesters demanded that China cancel its plans for flight route M503, which runs close to the median line of the Taiwan Strait.