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Home Activity Slideshow 2010-02-14 The First Day of Lunar New Year in Taiwan Holy Mountain

2010-02-14 The First Day of Lunar New Year in Taiwan Holy Mountain

The First Day of Lunar New Year in Taiwan Holy Mountain

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 14 February 2010 22:40 )  


National Tsing Hua University associate professor on sociology Chen Ming-chi, front row second left, Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Fan Yun, front row center, New School for Democracy chairman Tseng Chien-yuan, front row second right, New Power Party Legislator Chen Jiau-hua, front row right, and others participate in an online forum organized yesterday by the New School for Democracy to discuss China’s expanding totalitarianism in Hong Kong.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Human rights advocates yesterday cautioned the global community against China’s expanding totalitarianism in Hong Kong and elsewhere, as they marked the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.