Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Biden weakens US’ China policy

Until now, US President Joe Biden’s China policy has been characterized by relatively seamless continuity with the transformational approach of the national security team on Taiwan, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, trade and human rights.

Last month, it expanded its human rights enforcement beyond endorsing former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s declaration of China’s genocide in Xinjiang (the independent state of East Turkestan until China’s invasion in 1950).


Terrorism with CCP characteristics

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operates as a foreign terrorist organization, and the US government should formally designate it as one, two lawyers wrote in an article published in November last year in the Journal of Political Risk.

They cited the CCP’s persecution of the Uighurs, “Tibetan Buddhists, Falun Gong believers, Christian sects, independent-minded journalists, human rights attorneys and others.”

Whether or not the US government decides to label the CCP as a terrorist organization, the rest of us can go ahead and call it what it is.


Are war clouds on the horizon?

“Is there going to be a war over Taiwan soon?” That dark question recently invaded and occupied the imagination of the international community. The ensuing media frenzy produced some wild exaggeration and undue defeatism. That’s unfortunate because questions of war and peace deserve careful examination, this one more than most.

First the good news. Contrary to what you may have heard, it seems unlikely that war clouds are lurking on the horizon. The Chinese government and military are not yet prepared for an invasion of Taiwan. We are not seeing serious indications that an invasion is imminent.


Taiwan can still help with vaccines

Since the Solomon Islands and Kiribati switched their diplomatic relationship from Taipei to Beijing in September 2019, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not been able to poach any more of Taiwan’s allies in what would soon become a complete two-year period.

This development is significant when taking into consideration that over just about three years after President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took office, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) government had used its economic resources to get seven allies of Taiwan to switch recognition.


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The nation’s poor economic and trade performance in the first half of the year is a warning that President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) should stop “putting all eggs in one basket” and change his China-dependent economic policy, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers said yesterday.

Exports last month contracted for a fourth consecutive month from a year ago, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Finance on Monday, DPP Legislator Chen Ting-fei (陳亭妃) told a press conference.