Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Gene harvesting a security concern

Over the past few years, inexpensive data storage coupled with advancements in supercomputers and artificial intelligence (AI) analytics have allowed the exploitation of population data in ways that megalomaniac technocrats and totalitarian dictators could only have dreamed of just a decade or two ago.

US government advisers in March said that Chinese firm BGI Group was constructing a vast bank of genomic data that, combined with AI tools, would allow China to monopolize the global pharmaceutical industry, “build” genetically enhanced soldiers and — most concerning of all — engineer pathogens to empower ethnically targeted bioweapons.


Vaccination booking system trial begins

Minister Without Portfolio Audrey Tang explains how to use the online vaccination booking system at the Central Epidemic Command Center’s daily news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center

The Central Epidemic Command Center yesterday unveiled the national online COVID-19 vaccination booking system and announced that a trial program was launched on three outlying islands yesterday morning.


Pan-blue politicians blast Ko over CTiTV comments

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je speaks at a news conference at Taipei City Hall yesterday.
Photo courtesy of Taipei City Government

A Taipei city councilor and a politician from the pan-green camp yesterday criticized Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) for expressing support for CTiTV News, which lost its operating license last year after a series of violations.

The channel has since moved its programming to YouTube.


The Diplomat gives voice to CCP

The Diplomat in May published an article stating that “Chinese people” do not view Beijing’s treatment of Uighurs as genocide and that they support the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) policy toward Uighurs. The article implied that the US should reconsider its determination that China’s Uighur policy constitutes genocide.

Although the quotes cited in the article from “Chinese people” were illogical and insulting, it is not worth questioning their accuracy, because they appear in exactly the same style that the CCP has used to discuss its inhumane policies since it came to power in 1949. It is worth questioning that, shockingly, The Diplomat credits these quotes as the voice of the “Chinese people.”


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A protester opposing a service trade agreement between Taiwan and China is stopped by police as he tries to climb across the fence during a demonstration outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

A public opinion poll released yesterday showed that most people support fair trade and cross-strait trade liberalization, but lack confidence in the capability of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration to safeguard Taiwanese interests in its engagement with China.

The survey, conducted by Taiwan Indicators Survey Research (TISR), asked respondents about their views on a recently signed service trade pact between Taiwan and China. It found that 58.7 of respondents supported Taiwan’s pursuit of economic partnership agreements in general; only 16.5 percent did not support the move and 24.8 percent declined to answer.