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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan applies to Pacific trade deal

Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua speaks at a news conference in Taipei on Nov. 21 last year.
Photo: CNA

Taiwan has submitted an application to join a Pacific trade deal, just days after China sent its own request to become a member of the agreement that was once pushed by Washington as a way to isolate Beijing and solidify US dominance in the region.


Time to diversify away from China

China on Sunday announced the suspension of imports of wax apples and custard apples from Taiwan. It was to take effect the very next day.

This caused consternation in Taiwan because of how quickly the ban was to take effect and because many fruit farmers in southern Taiwan rely on the Chinese market, which previously took a 90 percent share of the nation’s wax apple and custard apple exports.

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) condemned Beijing’s move, Council of Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung (陳吉仲) called it unacceptable and the government informed China that it would take the matter to the WTO if it is not resolved by Thursday next week.


Tsai in meeting with Takaichi touts closer cooperation

Japanese lawmaker Sanae Takaichi, a candidate in the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election, is pictured on a videoconference with President Tsai Ing-wen on Monday.
Photo copied by Lin Tsui-yi, Taipei Times

Presidential Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has expressed the hope that Taiwan and Japan could cooperate more closely in a conversation with Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) lawmaker and former Japanese minister of internal affairs and communications Sanae Takaichi, who is vying to become her nation’s first female prime minister.


CNA must stop using ‘mainland’

Local media reported earlier this month that the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) criticized President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) for referring to China as a “neighboring country,” saying that this is no different from a “two-state” model and that it amounts to changing the cross-strait “status quo.”

I find it quite impossible to understand why civilized Taiwan continues to tolerate the existence of such a deceitful group that believes its own lies.

The relationship between Taiwan and China is the relationship between two countries, and neither has any jurisdiction over the other — this is the undeniable “status quo.”


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Taiwan is to join other democracies in helping Ukraine recover from the Russian invasion, and share its experience with countering authoritarian threats with the world, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) late on Wednesday told the “Struggle for Freedom” forum in Dallas, Texas, hosted by the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

“For Taiwan, democracy is more than a fundamental value that unites our people; it is also a critical asset in addressing major challenges. Taiwan is now in the position to share its experience with the world and create alliances, allowing democracies to more effectively deal with crises and counter the threats of authoritarianism,” Tsai said via videoconference.