Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

EU lawmakers arrive on first visit

Premier Su Tseng-chang, seventh right, meets members of a 13-person delegation from the European Parliament in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lee Hsin-fang, Taipei Times

The European Parliament’s first delegation to Taiwan arrived yesterday in the nation for discussions on fighting disinformation, with delegation members scheduled to meet President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) today.

The 13-person delegation is visiting Taiwan on a three-day trip, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.


Taiwanese groups can help shape US policy

At a virtual talk hosted by the Washington-based German Marshall Fund of the United States on Thursday, Rick Waters, US deputy assistant secretary of state for China, Taiwan and Mongolia in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs, accused China of inaccurately interpreting UN Resolution 2758 and urged other UN member nations to join the US in supporting Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system.

Although it replaced the Republic of China with the People’s Republic of China as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the resolution does not say that “Taiwan is part of China.” This should mean that Taiwan’s only chance to make a successful application to join the UN would be by using the name “Taiwan.” However, there is a problem.


Casting off the ‘one China’ illusion

Fifty years ago on Oct. 26, then-president Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) issued the “Letter Informing All Compatriots about the Republic of China’s Withdrawal from the United Nations.”

In the letter, Chiang wrote that the “Republic of China is an independent and sovereign country, and it brooks no external interference in the exercise of its sovereignty ... the government of the Republic of China is the true representative of the 700 million Chinese on the mainland ... the Mao [Zedong, 毛澤東] thieves, traitors and bandits are torn by constant internal power struggles, and we will steady our confidence, increase our strength, save our compatriots and recover the mainland.”


Wang Ye sent off to heaven in Pingtung King Boat burning

Spectators watch as a King Boat is prepared to be burned on a beach in Pingtung County’s Donggang Township at the end of the Wang Ye Worshiping Ceremony yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Wang Ye Worshiping Ceremony in Pingtung County culminated early yesterday with the burning of a purpose-built King Boat on a beach in Donggang Township (東港), signifying the deity being sent off.

The festival — held once every three years with the aim to prevent the spread of plagues — is one of the biggest Wang Ye festivals in Taiwan and dates back 300 years.


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Tibetan self-immolator Tsebhe in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, January 12: In confirmed reports coming out of Tibet, a young Tibetan man set himself on fire today in the Amchok region of eastern Tibet in continued protest against China’s occupation of Tibet.

Tsebhe, who is in his early 20s, succumbed to his injuries at his protest site.

Speaking to Phayul, Ajam Amchok, an exiled Tibetan with close contacts in the region said Tsebhe self-immolated in the middle of Amchok town in Sangchu region of Kanlho, eastern Tibet.