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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US visit to support defense, ties: Cornyn

A US congressional delegation led by US Senator John Cornyn, 11th left, American Institute in Taiwan Director Sandra Oudkirk, 10th left, and other officials pose for a photograph during a visit to the Presidential Office on Sunday to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, center.
Photo: CNA

A US congressional delegation’s visit to Taiwan last week was aimed at learning how Washington can help support Taipei’s defense capabilities and to discuss ways to boost bilateral trade ties, US Senator John Cornyn said on Sunday.

Cornyn, who led the all-Republican delegation, said in a news release that the group had returned to the US on Sunday after concluding an Indo-Pacific trip in the past few days that took it to Taiwan, the Philippines and India “to strengthen ties with critical allies and partners to counter Chinese aggression.”


US should pledge to defend Taiwan

US President Joe Biden has just become the third president in 20 years to declare or strongly imply that the US would defend Taiwan against an attack from China. He also became the third president to stand corrected by the foreign policy establishment within and outside the government.

In April 2001, then-US president George W. Bush answered affirmatively when asked whether the US would protect Taiwan.

When pressed, he said the US would do “whatever it took.”


US, China trade Taiwan warnings

The US and Chinese flags are pictured before a meeting between senior defence officials from both countries at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, on Nov. 9, 2018.
Photo: Reuters

The top diplomats from China and the US have exchanged stern warnings over the flashpoint issue of Taiwan, ahead of today’s hotly awaited summit between their leaders.

The virtual meeting of US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) comes against a backdrop of rising tensions — in part over Taiwan.


Failures led to PRC-linked unit at NTHU

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) is at it again.

Last year, the university was at the center of a controversy after establishing the Taipei School of Economics and Political Science, funded by PJ Asset Management Group.

The on-campus academy was described by some as an “illegal rooftop addition” to Taiwan’s higher education.

This time, there have been reports that a Chinese Communist Party-linked entity, the Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute (清華海峽研究院), had been operating at the university since 2016.


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DHARAMSHALA, February 14: Two Tibetans were arrested after leaflets warning of more ‘free Tibet protests’ were cited near a Chinese police station in Kardze Saturday.

Tashi Palden, 21 was arrested for raising slogans calling for a ‘Free Tibet’ and the ‘Long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’ at the Kardze district market on Saturday at around 11 am local time.