“There can be no doubt but that the eventual fate of Formosa largely rests with the US. Unless the US’ political-military strategic position in the Far East is to be abandoned, it is obvious that the time must come in the foreseeable future when a line must be drawn beyond which Communist expansion will be stopped,” reads the memorandum of conversation by then-US ambassador-at-large Philip C. Jessup in 1950.
At the annual Ketagalan Forum on Aug. 8, former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley emphasized the importance of the US standing by its allies, especially against global threats from authoritarian regimes such as China. She warned against isolationism and the need for “moral clarity” in supporting Taiwan and highlighted Taiwan’s strategic importance in the Indo-Pacific region. Haley also called for stronger international backing for Taiwan, including its full membership in the UN. Her remarks echoed Jessup’s memorandum, which advocated for active US engagement in Asia to counter regional threats and the expansion of communism.