Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Grasping Ukraine situation is vital

It is concerning that Taiwanese do not seem to be paying much attention to what is happening in Ukraine, as the Russian military’s build-up brings the region to the brink of war, and the US and Russian governments continue to probe each other.

In a way, this is understandable, as Ukraine is a long way from Taiwan and far from the preoccupations of ordinary Taiwanese.

As a former diplomat, I feel it is my responsibility to help Taiwanese understand the importance of paying attention to the crisis.


KMT’s US pivot: distrust and verify

Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) in August 2020 accused the administration of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) of leading Taiwan into a perilous situation as it allegedly pursued a foreign policy that leans heavily toward the US and antagonizes China.

At a forum organized by the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, titled “A Nation Unsafe,” Ma also criticized Tsai for not acknowledging the so-called “1992 consensus,” which he said had eliminated the basis of mutual trust between Taipei and Beijing.

This was a complete inversion of the truth. In reality, it is China that has for the past decade been flexing its muscles in the Asia-Pacific region, militarizing the South and East China seas, and using “wolf warrior” diplomats to harass and coerce neighboring nations, including Taiwan.


Pushing the UK to improve ties

Many European nations have been flexing their pro-Taiwan credentials over the past few years. In return, among other gestures of gratitude, the sky over Kaohsiung was adorned with the flags of the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia. This year’s Lantern Festival light show is the city’s way of thanking those countries for their donations of COVID-19 vaccines.

Most of these countries had much more to be thanked for. Prague made headlines when it signed a sister-city agreement with Taipei, while Czech politicians have been at the forefront of parliamentary visits to the country. In 2020, Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil proclaimed to the Legislative Yuan and the international media: “I am Taiwanese.”


The two sides to Chiang Ching-kuo

The Ching-kuo Chi-hai Cultural Park and Chiang Ching-kuo Presidential Library officially opened on Jan. 22. In her opening remarks at the event, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) praised former president Chiang Ching-kuo’s (蔣經國) firm anti-communist stance and his determination to safeguard Taiwan, a position shared by Taiwanese in the face of the threat posed by China.

Attended by opposition and government figures, the ceremony to commemorate someone representative of the authoritarian period has not failed to cause uproar, even though Chiang passed away 34 years ago.

However, Tsai’s speech refrained from passing judgement on Chiang’s character.


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The coral reefs off the nation’s eastern coast, especially near Taitung County’s Shanyuan Bay (杉原灣) and Jihuei Fishing Port (基翬漁港), are rapidly being destroyed by construction development along the shore, environmental organizations said yesterday.

The groups made the statement as they publicized an annual report documenting findings on the health of the nation’s major coral reef habitats.

This year’s report was the third annual investigation of the nation’s coral reefs. Among the seven areas targeted this year were the northeast coast, Shanyuan Bay and Jihuei Fishing Port, Green Island (綠島), Orchid Island (蘭嶼), Dongyu­ping (東嶼坪) in Penghu County and Siaoliouciou (小琉球).