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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Pompeo urges US to recognize ROC

Former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo speaks at an event in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Ann Wang, Reuters

Officially recognizing the Republic of China’s (ROC) sovereignty is “easy” and “the right thing to do,” former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said yesterday in an interview with the Taipei Times in Taipei.

“It’s easy to do. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the morally proper thing to do. It’s not hard,” said Pompeo, who served from April 2018 to January last year under the administration of former US president Donald Trump.


‘Finlandization’ no way for Taiwan

As the Ukraine crisis continues to intensify, the concept of “Finlandization” has been resurrected as a potential compromise for eastern Europe.

The concept refers to smaller countries refraining from policies that oppose an adversarial neighbor while nominally retaining independence, such as Finland did toward the Soviet Union during the Cold War. French President Emmanuel Macron last month reportedly suggested that the Finlandization of Ukraine would be “one of the models on the table” for defusing tensions with Russia.


Tsai awards Pompeo special honor

Former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo, left, and President Tsai Ing-wen pose for a photgraph during his visit to the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: AFP / Presidential Office

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday awarded a special honor to visiting former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo in recognition of his contributions to promoting closer ties between Washington and Taipei during his tenure.

Tsai conferred Pompeo, who was the US’ top diplomat under former president Donald Trump, with the Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon, and called him a close friend of Taiwan, while expressing her deep gratitude on behalf of Taiwanese.


Joint statement on Russian invasion

Ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian troops have invaded Ukraine. Tanks and missiles have been ravaging the country. They also destroyed the 21st century’s illusion of peace.

It was not only an attack against Ukraine, but also a severe attack against democratic countries as a whole. Not only is it a challenge to Ukrainians, but it is also a critical challenge to the unity and solidarity of all democratic countries against military aggression.

Would humankind ever learn from history after countless wars? Would we be united and committed to fight for the universal core values we embrace — freedom, democracy, human dignity and the right to self-determination?


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Former minister of foreign affairs Mark Chen speaks to reporters at the “Taiwan-US-Japan and Asia-Pacific Regional Partners Security Dialogue” conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

Former minister of foreign affairs Mark Chen (陳唐山) yesterday engaged in a lively debate with a US representative on whether Washington “recognizes” or simply “acknowledges” that Taiwan is part of China, urging her to have a good look at the Shanghai Communique after she opted for the former.