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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lithuania applies to open Taiwan office

A plaque hangs on a door at the Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania in Vilnius on Nov. 18 last year.
Photo: EPA-EFE

An application from Lithuania to open a representative office in Taiwan has been received, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.

The ministry expressed its sincere welcome to Lithuania for opening an office in Taiwan and would assist as necessary, it said.


English-language military drills held

The fifth legion of the army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command undergoes casualty care training at the Kengzihkou shooting range in Hsinchu County yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command conducted training yesterday in which all orders were delivered in English.

The training — held in Hsinchu County’s Kengzihkou (坑子口) area — featured simulations of troops ambushing enemy soldiers, including vehicles passing through the ambush zone.


China unlikely to attack in fall: NSB

National Security Bureau Director-General Chen Ming-tong, left, and Vice Minister of National Defense Alex Po take part in a question-and-answer session at the Legislative Yuan yesterday.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

It is “highly unlikely” that China would invade Taiwan this autumn, National Security Bureau (NSB) Director-General Chen Ming-tong (陳明通) told lawmakers yesterday, amid reports of a leaked Russian intelligence document suggesting that Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) is considering doing so.


Taiwan’s ties with Ukraine refugees

From the ONSET of Russia’s war in Ukraine, more than 3.3 million Ukrainians have fled their homes to escape the fighting.

The ongoing exodus has triggered a wave of refugee crises, perhaps outstripping any such movements seen since World War II, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said.

At the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Taiwan was quick to condemn the war, announced economic sanctions against Russia and expressed admiration for Ukrainians for defying coercive power, resisting aggression and defending their country.


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Sunflower movement student leader Chen Wei-ting, center, who is expected to run for a legislative seat in the Miaoli County by-election in February, holds a placard with his name and birthplace written on it at an event in Greater Taichung yesterday.
Photo: Su Meng-chuan, Taipei Times

A TVBS poll suggests that student activist Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) would defeat outgoing Miaoli County Commissioner Liu Cheng-hung (劉政鴻) for the vacancy in the legislature left by Miaoli County commissioner-elect Hsu Yao-chang (徐耀昌).

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is still considering its candidate, while Liu is a possible candidate representing the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT).