Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Full of Miracles of Divine Intervention – Formosa Holy Mountain’s Mountain Purification Program Volunteer Chronicle

The Holy Mountain Movement is as described in the previous article.  Nevertheless, the follow-up maintenance and up keeping activities of Mountain Purification Program are actions that must be taken.


Defend Our Great and Wise Predecessors of Taiwan, Be an Angel of Taiwan!

Our faith, the Taiwanese Taoism, is a pro-localization movement that arises in the modern day Taiwan.  It’s about, in the more distant ages, the Taiwanese heroes who, over the past 400 years, are willing to stand up against violence; and, in more modern times, are the well-known (by everyone) great Bodhisattvas of the February 28th Movement as well as the Great Predecessors who courageously fought the unjust and corrupt Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during the Taiwanese White Terror.


Please Come under the Sunlight

The sun is a great energy source, as well as a great illumination source.  It not only gives our plants the ingredients for growth, but also makes us see things clearly.  That is, to see clearly the difference between good and evil; right and wrong.  Therefore, we find it sad that the whole world is currently mesmerized with articles the like of Lijia Zhang’s “Stop Criticizing China – They’ve Come So Far” (scroll down to the bottom, the last of three articles).  The abundance of China-praising and back-patting articles like these are clouding out sunlight.  I wonder if this anything to do with, just to be facetious, Xinjiang’s August 1st total solar eclipse…


Making Statements, Making Histories

The history of the Olympic Games is full of boycotts.  To call such actions “politicizing” the Games may not be fully accurate.  We at Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation and Taiwan February 28th Movement Net Radio would like to point out that many of these boycotts are justified.  They were carried out in order to make a statement about democracy and equality.  The ancient Greeks, who conceived the Olympics and who were also pioneers of democracy and democratic ideology, might actually be proud of such actions!


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Comments by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) on cross-strait issues were “interesting” and “constructive,” and Washington looks forward to hearing more from her, a senior US official said on Monday.

US Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asia Evan Medeiros said he follows what Tsai has to say about cross-strait issues very closely.