Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The Heavenly Light (A)

Following the blood and tears of February Twenty-Eighth,

The earth’s grievances in we breathe,

The Gods’ light emerges as the Formosa Sun,

Though it can make the demons of imperial colonialism no where to escape but dawn,


Devils in powdered masquerade,

To the righteous and honest Formosan do they deceptively persuade.


Wild Strawberries at Taichung-What I See and What I Hear

The student demonstrators’ “Wild Strawberries Movement” is a pro-democracy movement that perpetuates the “Wild Lily Student Movement” that also possesses globally accepted values with wide ramifications.  This time around, the fact that the students were able to conduct peaceful demonstrations to demand democracy, freedom, human rights, and legal justices; is an achievement of democracy and education of democratic principles from 20 years of combined administrations of former presidents Lee Tung-Hui and Chen Shui-Bian.


Shouldn’t We, the People, Arrest the Unlawful and Unconstitutional Judicial Civil Servants, and Turn Them to Public Trials?


The present day cops of Taiwan have all turned into Red China’s “public security bureaucrats.”  Ma, though placed as a Taiwanese president, had already become a communist-affiliated traitor-criminal.  Since Ma had already betrayed the Republic of China’s Constitution, and the Taiwanese police, who are suppose to serve our people and maintain our public safety, had also turned into a communist-affiliated, trample-on-Taiwan tool, the prosecution and judicial system is also willing to be operated by the Chinese communist “bandits” authority; the Taiwanese people must be self-motivated to decide our future and protect our democracy and human rights.  If our national public safe-keeping civil workers have transgressed our democratically-based legal boundaries, then, we, the people, are perfectly reasonable to rise up and rebel against, as well as chasing and arresting these unconstitutional and unlawful public safety and judicial civil workers; and turn them to public trials.  All these actions are for averting the Chinese Communists from taking over us and Taiwan’s history-repeating fall into the terrors, bloodiness, and deaths of the February 28th Massacre. 


Millions to Inundate Tucheng

The Taiwanese people’s president, Chen Shui-Bien, is currently enduring political oppressions of unprecedented magnitude.  Those who are affiliated with him have, one by one, been arrested or detained by prosecutors and judges at the court; all are without protections under human rights or fair civil procedures.  The prosecutors and judges, affectively kowtowing to the “red” boss’s wills, immediately detained and hold their interested targets, based on the arbitrary reason of “suspect for conspiracies.”


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DHARAMSHALA, August, 11: Pakistan deported five ethnic Uyghur immigrants back to China on Tuesday amidst fear that they will face harsh punishment upon return.

The Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported that five “Chinese citizens” who were “blindfolded and handcuffed” were flown off to Urmuqi, the capital of East Turkestan.

"The deportation of Uyghurs are common nowadays, but it is very rare to be exposed to the media," said Omer Khan, founder of the Omer Uyghur Foundation in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.