Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT facing crisis of confidence

How quickly things can change in politics. From landslide victories in the legislative and presidential elections just 18 months ago, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) now finds itself in a crisis of confidence following a spate of defeats and infighting ahead of December’s local elections.


Taiwan, What's Your Satisfaction Level?

It is the second year of the alleged reign of Ma the Incompetent in Taiwan, and it is no secret that the comfort level of the citizens of Taiwan post Morakot has hit an all time low. Whether one is blue or green, the prevalent and recurring theme song is the Rolling Stones, "I can't get no satisfaction." Why? As E.B.B. says, "Let me count the ways" and this is without even mentioning 6-3-3.


Australia and the US share fears over Asia

Australians and Americans are much alike — not exactly the same — but they have more in common than not. Both are nations of immigrants, have robust and sometimes brawling democracies and hold similar values on human rights.

The countries also rely on each other for national security. Australia, a nation of only 23 million people situated next door to a potentially troubled Southeast Asia, has long looked to the US as its main ally. In turn, the US, situated far across the Pacific Ocean from Asia, looks to Australia as its main ally and well-informed partner in Southeast Asia.


When words and actions diverge

What might have come and gone with little fanfare has instead sparked a chain of events that has accentuated the fundamental differences between authoritarian China and democratic Taiwan.

When The 10 Conditions of Love, the documentary about Uighur rights activist Rebiya Kadeer, screens tomorrow in five cities around the country, it will enjoy attention the film could not have hoped for without the help of China’s relentless campaign against Kadeer.


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Taiwan Alliance for Green 21 convener and former vice president Annette Lu, second left, speaks during a press conference in Taipei yesterday about an anti-nuclear referendum that the group has initiated in New Taipei City.
Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

Former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) yesterday urged President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to hold an open dialogue with people petitioning for an anti-nuclear referendum to explain the government’s policy on nuclear energy.

“If more than 100,000 people signed the petition, Ma would be obligated to publicly explain his policy,” Lu, who had initiated an anti-nuclear referendum in New Taipei City (新北市), told a press conference.