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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Russia’s war altered Xi’s plans: Mattis

President Tsai Ing-wen addresses the Ketagalan Forum in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liao Chen-hui, Taipei Times

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has affected the timing and strategy of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) plan to take Taiwan by force, former US secretary of defense Jim Mattis told a forum in Taipei yesterday, where experts from around the world stressed the importance of like-minded democracies standing together in the face of rising authoritarianism.


Those who can escape Shanghai

Many Shanghainese were shocked to see images of Taiwanese actor Lee Li-chun (李立群) wandering freely around Taiwan and visiting restaurants as he pleased. This shattered Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda.

Just a few months ago, Lee was starving together with other people in Shanghai, includingmyself, during the lockdown. He learned his first lesson about how to run away from China: Keep your mouth shut and do not blame the CCP, even if you are at death’s door.

Chinese citizens no longer trust the authorities, given that the draconian “zero COVID” restrictions were implemented without warning.


Pelosi’s visit would reset agenda

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi is planning to lead a bipartisan delegation of members of the US Congress on a fact-finding trip to Asia next month, including a stopover in Taiwan, the Financial Times reported.

The disclosure — unconfirmed by Pelosi, her office or the US Department of State, which would have to make the diplomatic and logistical arrangements — has nevertheless precipitated anger from China and consternation in the White House, starting with US President Joe Biden.

Biden told reporters last week: “The military thinks it’s not a good idea right now.”


Japan defense paper highlights Taiwan

A page from a Japanese government defense white paper released yesterday explains enhanced defense deployment near Taiwan.
Photo: CNA

Japan’s latest defense white paper highlights Taiwan’s defense measures, as well as Tokyo’s and the international community’s concerns over stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s Cabinet yesterday approved the 500-page report — the second published under Japanese Minister of Defense Nobuo Kishi that gives substantial attention to the Taiwan issue.


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Premier Lin Chuan, left, and Mainland Affairs Council Minister Katharine Chang yesterday answer questions at the Legislative Yuan about the 17 Taiwanese being held in Cambodia on suspicion of telecommunications fraud.
Photo: CNA

The Cambodian government yesterday suspended its plan to send 17 Taiwanese suspected of telecommunication fraud to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.