Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Chen Shui-bian declares he is a political prisoner and claims innocence

Chen Shui-bian's is handcuffed for pretrial detention

Political Prisoner Report, Jan. 8, 2013. Former President Chen Shui-bian sat expressionless several feet in front of me in the middle of his hospital cell. We were in a psychiatric unit at a Republic of China government hospital in Taipei where Chen is now incarcerated for alleged corruption.

On a mission to learn about the fairness of Chen’s trial I asked Chen about the key witness against him, Jeffery Koo, Jr.

“The prosecution made a deal and washed away criminal charges on a fugitive, who fled to Japan. The deal was to testify that I took a bribe that I never did,” explained Chen.


Old tactics on Chinese media failing

Ongoing controversies in Taiwan and China surrounding the media are once again highlighting the delicate balance that must be struck in cross-strait cooperation in all matters pertaining to journalism.

As the editorial staff at Guangzhou-based Southern Weekly defied censors this week over government intervention in the newspaper’s editorial last Thursday, several Taiwanese who in recent months have launched protests against the monopolization of the media and the risks of increasing Chinese influence, received just what they needed to confirm that their actions were justified.


An excerpt of The Imprisoned Taiwan by Prof. Yuan Hon-Bin on why he wrote this book to defend President Chen

During Chen's presidency, Taiwan became a de facto free country, ranked among the freest in the world and the freest in Asia. To me, this is a miraculous achievement. Of 1.6 billion of Chinese speaking people, only those 23 millions of Taiwanese received this enviable status as being free.

However, Chen Shui-Bian, a politician who created freedom for all Taiwanese, has lost his own freedom. This incredulous and ironic outcome is an insult to justice. I am bound to inquire into his case because of several reasons.


Inside a locked ROC hospital psychiatric cell with ex-President Chen Shui-bian

Chen Shui-bian is moved from his prison cell surrounded by guards

Taiwan Political Prisoner Report, Jan. 7, 2013. Because of serious health issues and severe depression, Republic of China in-exile former President Chen Shui-bian had been moved from his tiny punishment cell at Taipei Prison to General Veterans Hospital before my arrival to Taiwan. The move followed urgent pleas by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and a team from the Washington D.C. based Human Rights Action Center as well as a prestigious panel of volunteer doctors.


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Retired air force major general Chien Yao-tung, center, arrives at the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday for questioning over alleged involvement in a Chinese espionage ring.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

Two retired air force officers, including a former major general, were yesterday morning released on bail after overnight questioning by prosecutors about their alleged involvement in a Chinese espionage ring.