Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT’s constitutional shenanigans

The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) accusation that the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) proposal to amend the Constitution is motivated by political considerations has some value.

The DPP argues that the proposal is aimed more at limiting the power of the next administration in the eventuality of a DPP victory in January’s presidential election, rather than addressing the political impasse attributable to the current constitutional system — which allows the president to wield power but bear no responsibility.


Ma’s appeasement policy a worry

China has said it will start using the controversial M503 air route, which it had designated unilaterally, today. Taiwan’s government has not only failed to put up any significant opposition, but even went as far as defending China’s actions — and this appeasement is only likely to put Taiwan in a more dangerous situation.

Members of the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) on Friday staged a surprise protest over the government’s inaction on China’s decision to implement the air route. Political activist groups blocked the main entrance of the Legislative Yuan while TSU legislators took over the podium to protest the air route, urging the government to take action.


M503 protest ends in scuffles, fines

Members of the Taiwan Solidarity Union’s (TSU) youth organization TSU Youth are detained after a protest at the presidential residence in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) members in the early hours of yesterday staged a protest outside the presidential residence ahead of China’s scheduled inauguration of the controversial M503 flight route today.

Protesters shouted: “Withdraw the M503 flight route” and “President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), step down.”


Legislative session adjourned after M503 ruckus

Police officers remove Taiwanese independence activists from the legislative compound in Taipei yesterday. The protesters scuffled with police ahead of China’s launch of a controversial flight route.
Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

While the government has consented to China’s inauguration of a new commercial flight route near the middle of the Taiwan Strait starting tomorrow, opponents continued to rail against the plan yesterday, leading to the adjournment of a regular legislative session.


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Ngawang Norphel and Tenzin Khedup raise Tibetan national flags as flames rise from their bodies. Zatoe, Keygudo June 20, 2012.

DHARAMSHALA, June 20: In reports coming out of Tibet, two young Tibetans set themselves on fire today in Zatoe town of Keygudo, Kham, eastern Tibet calling for Tibet’s independence and long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Ngawang Norphel, 22 and Tenzin Khedup, 24, set themselves ablaze at about 3.30 pm (local time).