Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT-CCP connections fuel distrust and disgust

Before Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) reported to Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平), the KMT would not announce its candidate for next year’s Republic of China (ROC) presidential election. Was this why Chu had to meet with Xi?

Chu, who serves concurrently as the mayor of New Taipei City, visited China in his capacity as KMT chairman. The party’s politicians often like to mention the so-called “1992 consensus,” but a KMT chairman serving concurrently as president would not be able to visit China. As for the party’s stance that there is “one China, with each side making its own interpretation,” Taiwanese can only ask what that interpretation really means. The KMT itself does not seem to know.


China preparing for Taiwan conflict: report

A J-31 stealth aircraft of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force lands on a runway after flying at the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, on Nov. 11, last year.
Photo: Reuters

China’s massive military modernization program is dominated by preparations for a conflict with Taiwan and the possibility of US intervention, a Pentagon report said on Friday.

The report, which was issued in Washington, said that Beijing is ready to conduct missile attacks and precision strikes against the nation’s air defense systems, air bases, radar sites, missile silos, space assets and communications facilities.


ROC uses Taiwan as war memorial

Media reports say that while the government is planning an official commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the war of resistance against Japan, the National Museum of Taiwan History in Tainan has compiled Japanese colonial-era military propaganda songs played in Taiwan to promote the invasion of China and collected them on the official Web site celebrating a century of Taiwan’s recording industry. According to the reports, these military propaganda songs include the Imperial Japanese Navy anthem — the “Warship anthem” — Japan’s Patriotic March and the Manchukuo anthem.


Administrative neutrality violated

For anyone who cherishes Taiwan’s democratic achievements, it was certainly disturbing to see six government officials accompanying Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) on his recent visit to China for the 10th Cross-Strait Economic and Cultural Forum in Shanghai — a sight that has left many shaking their heads and wondering whether the nation’s state apparatus has been manipulated for partisan gain.

The six officials were from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and the Council of Agriculture.


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Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波), a prominent Chinese dissident who was sentenced to 11 years in jail by a Beijing court on Friday, said last year that he dreamed China could develop a democratic system similar to that in Taiwan.

Liu, who had been detained since December last year, was given the jail term on charges of “inciting subversion of state power,” a vague term that China uses to prosecute its dissidents.