Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

A ‘rebellious’ generation

On Thursday last week, students protesting the government’s controversial adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines were forced to wrap up their protest because of the approaching Typhoon Soudelor. While many of their peers lament the abrupt end to their occupation of the Ministry of Education’s forecourt, some “grown-ups” have been quick to urge this group of “rude and ill-mannered brats” to return to school and their textbooks.


Students pledge to continue activism

Even though the student occupation of the Ministry of Education’s forecourt to protest against high-school curriculum guideline changes ended on Thursday last week due to the approach of Typhoon Soudelor, student leaders yesterday said that the experience of confronting the nation’s bureaucracy has not dulled their passion for social justice and vowed to continue their activism.


The public awakening leading to KMT’s ruin

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential nominee Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) has said that her party is “not that malign,” it is simply “clumsy” and has done “good things,” although it “has not communicated them well.”

Hung’s words reveal that the KMT is once again back to playing rotten tricks: The party clearly knows it is both rotten and malign, but wants to evade the major issues and simply call itself “clumsy.”


This nation belongs to Taiwanese, not the KMT

Had it not been for Taiwan, the Republic of China (ROC) would have perished on Oct. 1, 1949, when it was ousted by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Despite that, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), the fragments of a past China, hijacked Taiwan and continues to talk about its “glorious restitution” of the nation, words spoken to justify and consolidate its colonial rule. However, it was only able to take over and then occupy Taiwan thanks to the Allied Powers, and after that it continued to benefit from the Cold War era.


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International human rights campaigners yesterday testified at a Legislative Yuan hearing on religious persecution and human rights violations in China, while lawmakers and rights advocates called for a refugee law to be enacted and aid sent to persecuted Chinese.

US-based China Aid Association president Bob Fu (傅希秋) said a series of religious persecutions in China’s Zhejiang Province began in July at an unprecedented rate, with more than 1,300 people detained, interrogated or missing, and crosses at more than 1,700 churches demolished.