Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Pro-independence groups threaten Chiang statue suit

Activists from pro-independence organizations and political parties yesterday threatened to sue Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) over allowing statues of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) in schools, saying they violate education laws.

Led by members of the Free Taiwan Party and the Taiwanese National Party, a group of about 40 held a rally in front of the Taipei City Government building to denounce Ko.


Student leader receives global youth award

Global Youth of the Year Award recipient Liao Chung-lun sits in the auditorium of National Changhua Senior High School, where the awards ceremony was being held.
Photo: Chang Tsung-chiu, Taipei Times

National Changhua Senior High School yesterday held its first-ever Global Youth of the Year Awards, with Liao Chung-lun (廖崇倫), a leading figure in the student protests against the curriculum guideline changes, one of the five recipients.


US needs to normalize ties with Taiwan: ex-US official

The US should normalize relations with Taiwan “as much as possible,” a former senior congressional official said.

Gary Schmitt, a former staff director of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence who is now an academic at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), said Washington should overturn the self-imposed strictures on relations that are required neither by domestic nor international law.


Tsai has inclusive foreign policy goals

During Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) visit to Japan, her hosts afforded her a degree of courtesy almost equivalent to the treatment she received during her visit to the US.

Japanese media outlets reported that Tsai had a secret meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, but the existence of such a meeting has not been confirmed, just like there was no confirmation of her alleged meeting with US National Security Adviser Susan Rice in Washington.


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DHARAMSHALA, October 7: Reports coming out of Tibet confirm that two more Tibetans set themselves on fire today in an apparent anti-China protest. One is feared dead while the other is being described in serious condition.

This is the third incident in a week following the self immolation of Kesang Wangchuk on Monday, when Tibetans have been forced to commit the ultimate sacrifice of setting their bodies on fire as a last resort of peaceful action against the Chinese government’s repressive policies in Tibet. Last week, two monks, Lobsang Kalsang and Lobsang Konchok had set themselves ablaze.