Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US ship passes disputed China islands

A handout photograph released by the US Navy shows the USS Lassen conducting a trilateral naval exercise with the Turkish and South Korean navies in waters south of the Korean Peninsula on May 25.
Photo: EPA

The US yesterday defied China by sending a warship close to artificial islands China is building in disputed waters, prompting Beijing to furiously denounce what it called a threat to its sovereignty.


Chengchi student group launches bid to abolish KMT-linked school anthem

A student group at National Chengchi University is vowing to boycott the school anthem in the Culture Cup chorus competition, saying the lyrics are propaganda for “party-state ideology” and that it hopes to get other students to join in.

The Wildfire Front this week launched a signature drive for a petition calling on the school to abolish the anthem. It also called on all departmental choruses that are going to take part in the singing competition not to sing the anthem, even though it is a required element of the competition. So far, five have agreed.


Commemoration hides pro-China bias, forum says

President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Retrocession Day yesterday betrayed a hidden China-centric and pro-unification agenda, academics said at a forum in Taipei.

The forum, hosted by the Taiwan Association of University Professors, was aimed at challenging the official “liberation” narrative of Taiwan’s post-World War II history.


Think tank head says next US president should consider normalizing relations

The next president of the US should consider normalizing relations with Taiwan, a Washington conference was told on Friday.

When the US extends legitimacy to a communist regime and does not recognize a democracy, “what kind of signal does that send to the rest of the world?” Project 2049 Institute executive director Mark Stokes asked.


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A sign outside the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington is pictured on Nov. 25.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

A joint letter by 78 US lawmakers calls on the US government to change the name of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in Washington to the “Taiwan Representative Office” and start talks toward a free-trade agreement.