Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Clash over draft transitional justice plan

Academics and experts yesterday clashed over measures to promote transitional justice at a public hearing held by the Legislative Yuan’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee in Taipei.

The committee is deliberating a transitional justice promotion act, now that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) holds a legislative majority for the first time, following the January elections.


The truly meaningless ‘status quo’

China’s open disregard for a cross-strait judicial assistance agreement during a spate of suspected cross-border telecoms fraud cases involving Chinese and Taiwanese suspects has no doubt led to a change in the cross-strait “status quo.”


Workers’ groups demand more of new government

Protesters in Taipei yesterday hold up signs calling for labor rights guarantees.
Photo: Huang Pang-ping, Taipei Times

Thousands of people yesterday took to the streets of Taipei to mark Workers’ Day, demanding that the government protect workers’ rights, while criticizing the incoming Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s plans to continue labor policies that the protesters said have worsened working conditions.


US opposes Chinese coercion

US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday said that Washington wanted to make sure that Taiwan could not be coerced by China to do things “against the will of its people.”

Blinken said that he had very good talks with president-elect Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) at the US Department of State last summer and that “we have strongly encouraged the Chinese to engage with her and to engage with Taiwan.”


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China might be using a suspected leak of personal information from the Eslite bookstore chain to wage cognitive warfare against Taiwanese, the Taiwan Statebuilding Party said yesterday.

Cynthia Yang (楊欣慈), deputy secretary-general of the Here I Stand Project, told a news conference in Taipei that she received a telephone call on Saturday night from a woman who said she worked at Eslite’s marketing department.

The woman asked Yang if she wanted to participate in an opinion survey the company is conducting among its customers.