Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Artistic compromise and China

One of the essences of art is the attachment of importance to the authenticity of expression. As such, the question arises as to exactly what level of intimidation and pressure might have been applied to force a dedicated artist such as Taiwanese director-actor Leon Dai (戴立忍) to forgo his beliefs — having participated in and supported various social movements in Taiwan — and issue a 3,000-word statement on Friday last week distancing him from his past actions.


Taiwan eclipses bloated monoliths

I am not Taiwanese. I am an American resident in Taiwan. Politics do not interest me — neither Taiwan’s nor the US’. However, how can I not feel the different mood in this nation since the election of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文)? Taiwanese were given a choice between the past and the future. They chose the future. Every moment of every day I see that was the right decision.

How different this same choice is playing out in the US right now.


Beijing’s sugar-coated lies

The Chinese government has once again demonstrated that it is not sincere about “putting politics aside” in cross-strait exchanges. Politics might be its priority, even for the entertainment business.

Last week, Taiwanese director and actor Leon Dai (戴立忍) — who was to play the lead role in the Chinese movie No Other Love (沒有別的愛), directed by Chinese director and actress Zhao Wei (趙薇) — was accused of being pro-Taiwanese independence because of his participation in social movements in Taiwan.


KMT blocks bill on party assets

Democratic Progressive Party, New Power Party and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators hold up signs expressing their viewpoints during a general assembly meeting at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday obstructed scheduled legislative proceedings to pass a bill on ill-gotten party assets by calling for votes on each first-reading bill on the floor agenda, of which there were more than 200.


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Technical staff from the animal disease prevention and control center inject chickens with the H5N1 bird flu vaccine in Shangsi county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region Wednesday.
Photo: Reuters.

China said it was mobilizing resources nationwide to combat a new strain of deadly bird flu that has killed four people, as Japan and Hong Kong stepped up vigilance against the virus and Vietnam banned imports of Chinese poultry.

The H7N9 bird flu strain does not appear to be transmitted from human to human, but authorities in Hong Kong yesterday raised a preliminary alert and said they were taking precautions at the airport.