Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Beijing’s strong dislike of Hillary

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is likely to move into the White House in January next year, has always been a headache for Beijing.

In September 1995, Clinton attended the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing as first lady of the US and chairwoman of the US delegation, delivering a speech sharply criticizing China for discriminating against and abusing women and violating women’s rights. Her speech was so embarrassing to the Chinese authorities that it was muffled.


FSC commission to probe Mega Ban

Premier Lin Chuan (林全) yesterday instructed the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) to form an investigative committee from members of the central bank, and the ministries of justice and finance after the New York branch of Mega International Commercial Bank (兆豐銀行) was ordered to pay a massive fine for violating US money-laundering rules.

Lin said he hopes that the details of the case are clarified as soon as possible, and that any Mega International employees responsible for the situation are identified.


KMT outcast to join committee

A former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) member, who was sacked in June for his outspokenness, has confirmed plans to join a committee investigating the party’s illegal assets, drawing fire from KMT members.

Committee of Illegal Party Asset Settlement chairman Wellington Koo (顧立雄) on Thursday said that he consulted with former KMT spokesman Yang Wei-chung (楊偉中) last week and invited him to join the committee.


Government not to pursue seat at UN

The government will not pursue UN membership and will instead continue to push for the nation’s meaningful participation at UN-related agencies, Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lee (李大維) said yesterday.

“With regard to the UN issue, the government will undoubtedly continue our meaningful participation [at UN-related organizations], but will not promote Taiwanese membership in the global body,” Lee said.


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Residents in Urumqi demanded further action yesterday after the sacking of two top officials in the restive Xinjiang region over syringe attacks that sparked deadly protests.

The Communist Party chief of Xinjiang’s capital Urumqi and the region’s top police official were dismissed on Saturday in the wake of the protests that left five people dead, but residents said the sackings were not enough.