Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Tsai refuses to stoop to China’s level

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has pledged that her administration would neither succumb to Chinese pressure nor lower its level of goodwill toward Beijing, urging Taiwan’s increasingly hostile neighbor to return to the calm and rationality it demonstrated for a short period after her inauguration.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal in Taipei on Tuesday, Tsai said her May 20 inaugural address — which China has described as an “incomplete test” — was an embodiment of her “maximum benevolence and flexibility.”


Joining the UN nothing more than a pipe dream

While aware that this article will offend some people, these words have been a long time coming and can wait no longer. For those friends who are hurt in any way by what is written here, let me preface the following with this: Although I love my friends, I love Taiwan more.

Many Taiwanese want the nation to join the UN. Indeed, many have worked to this end for many years. However, they are mistaken in both their thinking and their actions, which not only fail to move the nation closer to the goal, but actually make it more difficult to obtain.


Retired air force captain arrested on spying charge

A former air force captain has been arrested on charges of colluding with Chinese intelligence operatives, the Taiwan High Prosecutors’ Office said on Monday.

Chen Kuo-wei (陳國瑋) was turned over to the office for alleged violations of the National Intelligence Services Act (國家情報工作法), it said, adding that the Taiwan High Court ruled to detain him incommunicado.


Taiwan’s destiny in people’s hands

Previous generations of Taiwanese never dared share their desires for freedom and democracy.

They weathered an existence in fear for almost four decades of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) martial law.

Not a soul outside an inner circle was safe from Chiang Kai-shek’s (蔣介石) thought police, while for many freedom was just a dream shrouded in a living nightmare.


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Former president Chen Shui-bian’s application for a passport was “old news” and Taiwan’s judicial system would be proven unjust if it abused its power and extended his detention by raking up old news as new evidence, Chen’s office said yesterday.

On Wednesday, former Presidential Office secretary Chen Hsin-yi testified in court that Chen Shui-bian had told her to file an application for a passport for him “most urgently” soon after he stepped down last July. Chen Hsin-yi added that then-first lady Wu Shu-jen told her to pay for the application fees for passports for the then-first family using the “state affairs fund.”