Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The ‘great Chinese market’ myth

Unless Springer Nature backtracks as Cambridge University Press did in August, it will have to redesign its corporate Web site to add an addendum on several pages: “... unless China does not like it.”

The company on Wednesday admitted that it had removed from its Chinese Web site, at the government’s request, hundreds of articles that touched on issues Beijing is sensitive about: Taiwan, Tibet, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) internal politics and human rights.


Recall election a test of values

On Saturday, a record 123,000 people reportedly marched through the streets of Taipei in an annual parade that since it was first held in 2003 has advocated for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Unlike previous events, this year’s parade, which attracted participants not only from across Taiwan, but from all of Asia, was infused with a celebratory ambience.


Legal expert urges investigation of Ma

Minister of National Defense Feng Shih-kuan talks to reporters at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday before reporting to a task force reviewing procurement of minesweepers from Ching Fu Shipbuilding Co.
Photo: CNA

A legal expert yesterday demanded that the judiciary fully investigate alleged influence peddling, financial improprieties and profiteering by former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) in connection with the Taipei Dome project and a Ministry of National Defense initiative to domestically produce warships.


Senate reminds Trump of vital Taiwan-US ties

Thirty-eight US Senators in a letter on Tuesday urged US President Donald Trump to be mindful of Washington’s vital partnership with Taipei in his upcoming trip to China and meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平).

The letter, spearheaded by Senate Taiwan Caucus chairs James Inhofe and Robert Menendez, was signed by 38 US senators across party lines, which is more than one-third of the 100 senate seats.


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US Representative Scott Garrett has introduced a resolution to the US Congress declaring that Taiwan deserves membership in the UN.

Garrett, a Republican, did so as the UN General Assembly opened its annual session in New York.

“Year after year, the UN has failed to offer the 23 million people of Taiwan and their freely elected government representation on the world stage,” Garrett said. “The world body can no longer act as if the unelected communist government of the People’s Republic of China truly represents the interests of Taiwan. Currently, Taiwan is the only democratically governed nation in the world that does not enjoy a single vote in the General Assembly.”