Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Getting brand ‘Taiwan’ on the map

Former US vice president Al Gore on Thursday visited the head office of Taiwanese electric scooter maker Gogoro in Taipei, in a visit arranged by the company.

Although the visit was not a political one — the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Gore did not meet with any government officials — it is important in what it potentially implies for the scooter manufacturer and for Taiwanese brands in general.


US close to decision on N Korea

Substantively, US President Donald Trump’s trip to Asia made important progress against North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. However, in this long counter-proliferation struggle, it remains unclear whether China has been persuaded to exert its unequalled ability to dictate events in the North, or whether it is still engaging in equivocation, misdirection and subterfuge.

Trump scored significant advances for his policies in Japan and South Korea, although Seoul’s resolve is still uncertain. In Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe underscored his agreement with Trump’s view that military force might be necessary to stop Pyongyang.


Schriver eyes deeper US-Taiwan ties

Randall Schriver, who has been nominated as US assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific affairs, sits with his children before the commencement of the Senate Armed Services Committee nomination hearing in Washington on Thursday.
Photo: CNA

Randall Schriver, who has been nominated for US assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific affairs, on Thursday said he would make strengthening ties with security partners such as Taiwan a priority if his nomination is confirmed.


Trump’s strategy benefiting China

Was there really a grand strategy behind US President Donald Trump’s 12-day Asia tour? It does not look like there was one, and none seemed to unfold as Trump moved from one country to another on his itinerary.

North Korea appears to have hogged much of Trump’s attention since he came to power. He cannot believe that despite all his threats to annihilate the “Little Rocket Man,” his regime and his country, Kim Jong-un remains unbowed.


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A solar-powered vehicle from National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences leads an antinuclear energy protest in Kaohsiung yesterday.
Photo: Ke Yu-hao, Taipei Times

Tens of thousands of people opposed to nuclear energy yesterday came together nationwide in antinuclear parades and rallies, joining an alliance of civic groups to raise awareness about perceived problems with the nation’s nuclear policies.

In Taipei, environmental activists and residents from New Taipei City’s Jinshan (金山) and Wanli (萬里) districts took the stage as crowds flocked to Ketagalan Boulevard.