Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China demonstrates its ruthlessness

Taiwanese activist Lee Ming-che (李明哲) was on Tuesday sentenced to five years in prison by a court in Yueyang in China’s Hunan Province.

At about the same time, Beijing began a campaign to evict what it calls the city’s “low-end population” — people with low income or low levels of education, most of them workers from other provinces.

These two things, although seemingly unrelated, are equally revealing of how the regime of Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) approaches government.


Revolutionary commander honored with wax statue

Chang Kai-feng, Shih Tsuo-hsin and Deng Hsueh-jui, former senior officers under the command of late military commander Sun Li-jen, stand with Lo Kuang-hung and his brother, Lo Kuang-jen, sons of Sun’s former military photographer, right to left, at the unveiling on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County of a full-body wax likeness of Sun.
Photo: Lo Hsin-chen, Taipei Times

A full-body wax likeness of late military commander Sun Li-jen (孫立人) was unveiled on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County. It is the first wax statue of the celebrated commander to be made, curators said.


The world is a victim of China’s trade policy

On Nov. 10, US President Donald Trump ended his visit to China. He might have received a big “gift” of US$253.5 billion there, but as soon as he arrived in Da Nang, Vietnam, he said that the US would no longer tolerate dumping, currency manipulation, government subsidies and other chronic trade abuses, and that it is necessary to restore fair competition to distorted markets.

Trump is the first global leader to question globalization. Before the 1980s, nations had an unshakable belief in globalization. Trade volumes grew and poorer nations could also share in the wealth, thanks to investments by developed nations.


KMT’s contributions to the CCP

During Chiang Kai-shek’s (蔣介石) time in charge of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), it was defined as a fascist party.

Some of the characteristics of fascism are: fanatic patriotism, nationalism and collectivism, leader worship and absolute individual dictatorship, anti-communism and an emphasis on armed battle.


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The US and China are discussing ways for Taiwan to increase its exposure and influence in the world by joining more international institutions and organizations, Washington sources said.

Among the groups being considered are the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), sources said.